DigDates AI

Transform Your Photos with the Magic of AI

Create stunning, personalized AI-generated photos in various styles

Upload your selfies and let the AI do the rest!

Original Photo 1
Original Photo 2
Original Photo 3
Original Photo 4
AI Generated Photo 1AI Generated Photo 2AI Generated Photo 3AI Generated Photo 4

How It Works

  1. Step 1

    Upload Your Photos

    Upload 10-20 clear photos of yourself facing towards the camera.

  2. Step 2

    AI Model Training

    Wait for 1 hour while we train the AI model using your photos.

  3. Step 3

    Generate AI Photos

    Choose your preferred style and generate unique AI photos of yourself.

Pricing Plans




Save $38/year
  • 1 personalized AI model
  • 100 generation credits
  • Standard resolution
  • Email support
Best Value




Save $78/year
  • 5 personalized AI models
  • 1000 generation credits
  • High resolution
  • Priority support
  • Commercial license

Features & Benefits

Personalized AI Model

Create a unique AI model trained on your own photos

Multiple Photo Styles

Generate photos in various styles from casual to professional

High Resolution Output

Get high-quality AI-generated photos suitable for various uses

Fast Generation

Generate new photos of yourself in seconds after initial training

Customization Options

Fine-tune your AI-generated photos with advanced settings

Commercial Use

Use your AI-generated photos for personal or commercial projects